How to scale up your laboratory in 2019 and beyond?

ANTWERPEN - Is your laboratory challenged to innovate, to reduce cost, increase safety or simply do things differently? 

Whatever challenges you face, we kindly invite you to subscribe to our LAB DAY seminar, and get inspired on Thursday November 15th, in Antwerp. 
You will learn all about our new innovating products and services and provide you a glance into the future of science.
You are welcome to join us for our newest applications, followed by a trendwatcher providing you with a sneak preview in the future. We close the day with a cocktail which is a nice opportunity to network with your peers.

Seminar organized by Air Liquide
November, the 15th 2018

The Ark
Siberiastraat 2030 Antwerp

14H30 - Reception
15H00 - Seminar
- Innovations for Research Markets
- Metrology; the basis for reliable calibrations
- LABTOP™; latest lab gas innovation

16H35 - coffee break & market place

17H20 - Special guests
- TeamFAST powering sustainable public transport
- Trendwatcher for "The world of 2030"

18H30 - Cocktail


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